Grand Rue 34

Grand Rue 34


This little baby should have been distilled in 1934 and was almost 80 years old at time of bottling. Nose, it’s simply a miracle in a bottle! Mouth, terrific!! Finish, surprisingly long... 93/100 Serge Valentin - WhiskyFun

Nse : olfactory complexity where leather, saffro, nuts, and Madeira noses are crossing held by a surprising freshness developing mint and Sishuan berries aromas.

The length in mouth is extraordinary, held by an elangant "Rancio" and completed by Madeira and vanillia notes. aromas Ce cognac au nez complexe nous offre une complexité olfactive où se croisent des nez de cuir, de safran, de noix et de madère soutenue par une étonnante fraîcheur développant des arômes mentholés et de baies de séchouan.


Growing area

Grande Champagne Lot 34


80 years.


Exclusively in oak casks..

Natural reduction. Light filtration at ambiant temperature

42% vol.